Our Guidelines

Keep the clothes on

We don't want you to start speaking in iambic pentameter but let's keep things appropriate for the public eye (Are you ok with your mother reading your messages?!). Please refrain from showcasing any nudity and/or sexual explicitness in your profile. Remember, we're all about "Fluid" here, but not that kind of fluid.

No Bullying

Let's all be kind and respectful "Fluid" beings here. Please do not partake or encourage any targeted abuse or harassment against fellow users. We take reports of stalking, threats, bullying, or intimidation very seriously. So, let's keep things "fluid" but also safe and respectful.

Fists Down

Let's keep things "Fluid" but not too fluid, okay? We have a zero-tolerance policy for any violent, gory, or bloody content, as well as any content that advocates for or threatens violence of any sort, including terrorism. So, let's keep those fists down and those swords in their scabbards.

Physical assault, coercion, and any other forms of violence are strictly prohibited on Fluid. We're all about exploring our "Fluid" selves, not harming others in the process.

We also don't allow any content that promotes or glorifies suicide or self-harm. Let's take care of ourselves and each other as we navigate this "Fluid" journey together. Remember, we're all here to learn, grow, and connect with each other, not to hurt one another.


We believe that being "Fluid" means accepting and respecting each other's differences, no matter how wacky or wild they may be. That's why we don't allow any content that promotes, advocates for, or condones hatred, bigotry, racism, or violence against individuals or groups based on factors like (but not limited to) race, ethnicity, religious affiliation, disability, gender, age, national origin, sexual orientation, or gender identity.

Let's all be "Fluid" and embrace our inner weirdness. Remember, we're all in this crazy ride together, so let's show each other some love and acceptance. No hate, no discrimination, no exceptions. Let's be "Fluid" in our diversity and celebrate each other's uniqueness. Let's make this "Fluid" community a safe and welcoming space for everyone!

Some Secrets are a green flag

We all have secrets and private information that we want to keep safe, right? So, let's be mindful and keep it that way. Please don't publicly broadcast any private information, whether it's yours or someone else's. This includes social security numbers, passports, passwords, financial info, or unlisted contact information like phone numbers, email addresses, or home/work addresses.

Let's keep it "Fluid" and respectful of each other's privacy. We don't need to know every little detail about everyone's life, do we? Let's focus on building meaningful connections based on our shared interests and passions. That's what being "Fluid" is all about - exploring and connecting with different people and ideas in a safe and respectful way. So, let's keep it "Fluid," folks!

No, I dont want to check out your cousins soundcloud profile

Let's keep the vibes flowing within our community. That means no spammy links or external websites, okay? We're all here to explore and connect with each other, not to be directed elsewhere.


Let's keep the solicitation to a minimum, shall we? It's okay to invite your matches to something that you're doing, like a fun night out or a cool event, but please don't use Fluid to conduct research, promote your business, non-profit, or political campaign. We're all here to explore and connect with each other on a deeper level, not to be bombarded with advertisements and solicitations. Let's focus on building genuine connections based on our shared interests and passions.


We're all about exploring and celebrating our sexuality, but let's make sure we do it in a consensual and respectful way, okay? That means absolutely no promoting or advocating for commercial sexual services, human trafficking, or any other non-consensual sexual acts. We want to create a safe and inclusive space for everyone on "Fluid," and that means zero tolerance for any kind of sexual exploitation or abuse. If we catch you engaging in these activities, we'll have to say goodbye to your account.

Taking Advantage and Scamming

We have a zero-tolerance policy for any predatory behavior, including attempts to get other users' private information for fraudulent or illegal activities.

We want to create a safe and inclusive space for everyone on "Fluid," and that means taking serious action against anyone who tries to harm or exploit others. We want you to feel safe and secure as you explore your sexual fluidity and connect with others.

And a quick note: please don't share your financial account information, like your PayPal or Venmo, in your profile or in your conversations with other users. We're all about fluidity, but not when it comes to money! Let's keep it honest and respectful, and avoid any shady or illegal activity.

No Catfishing

We want to remind you to always be yourself on our platform. It's not cool to pretend to be someone else, no matter how tempting it may be to create a parody account of your favorite celebrity or political figure.

We're all about authentic self-expression and sexual fluidity, and that means being honest about who you are and what you're looking for. We won't tolerate any attempts to misrepresent yourself or your affiliations with others.


Just a friendly reminder that you must be 18 years of age or older to join us on this wild ride. We don't allow any images of unaccompanied minors.  If you want to post photos of your kids, that's totally cool - just make sure you're in the photo with them. We want to keep Fluid a safe space for all, and that means being mindful of the content we share. And if you come across a profile that includes an unaccompanied minor, encourages harm to a minor, or depicts a minor in a sexual or suggestive way, please report it ASAP. We have zero tolerance for any behaviour that harms minors, and we take these reports seriously. 

“Can I copy your homework?”

Please make sure that any content you post is yours to share. Do not post any work that is copyrighted or trademarked by others, unless you have the necessary permission or legal right to do so. In other words, don't steal other people's stuff and try to pass it off as your own. Not cool.

“Whoop whoop its da sound of da police”

Let's make this crystal clear: using Fluid to engage in any illegal activities is strictly prohibited. This includes but is not limited to activities such as drug use, solicitation of prostitution, and other criminal activities. Just because you're behind a screen doesn't mean you're above the law. Keep it legal, folks.

Our Guidelines

Old: Nudity

New: Keep the clothes on

We don't want you to start speaking in iambic pentameter but let's keep things appropriate for the public eye (Are you ok with your mother reading your messages?!). Please refrain from showcasing any nudity and/or sexual explicitness in your profile

Remember, we're all about "Fluid" here, but not that kind of fluid.

Old: Harassment

New: No Bullying

Let's all be kind and respectful "Fluid" beings here. Please do not partake or encourage any targeted abuse or harassment against fellow users. We take reports of stalking, threats, bullying, or intimidation very seriously. So, let's keep things "fluid" but also safe and respectful.

Old: Violence

New: Fists Down

Let's keep things "Fluid" but not too fluid, okay? We have a zero-tolerance policy for any violent, gory, or bloody content, as well as any content that advocates for or threatens violence of any sort, including terrorism. So, let's keep those fists down and those swords in their scabbards.

Physical assault, coercion, and any other forms of violence are strictly prohibited on Fluid. We're all about exploring our "Fluid" selves, not harming others in the process.

We also don't allow any content that promotes or glorifies suicide or self-harm. Let's take care of ourselves and each other as we navigate this "Fluid" journey together. Remember, we're all here to learn, grow, and connect with each other, not to hurt one another.

Old: Hate Speech

New: Acceptance

We believe that being "Fluid" means accepting and respecting each other's differences, no matter how wacky or wild they may be. That's why we don't allow any content that promotes, advocates for, or condones hatred, bigotry, racism, or violence against individuals or groups based on factors like (but not limited to) race, ethnicity, religious affiliation, disability, gender, age, national origin, sexual orientation, or gender identity.

Let's all be "Fluid" and embrace our inner weirdness. Remember, we're all in this crazy ride together, so let's show each other some love and acceptance. No hate, no discrimination, no exceptions. Let's be "Fluid" in our diversity and celebrate each other's uniqueness. Let's make this "Fluid" community a safe and welcoming space for everyone!

Old: Private Information

New: Some Secrets are a green flag

We all have secrets and private information that we want to keep safe, right? So, let's be mindful and keep it that way. Please don't publicly broadcast any private information, whether it's yours or someone else's. This includes social security numbers, passports, passwords, financial info, or unlisted contact information like phone numbers, email addresses, or home/work addresses.

Let's keep it "Fluid" and respectful of each other's privacy. We don't need to know every little detail about everyone's life, do we? Let's focus on building meaningful connections based on our shared interests and passions. That's what being "Fluid" is all about - exploring and connecting with different people and ideas in a safe and respectful way. So, let's keep it "Fluid," folks!

Old: Spam

New: No, I dont want to check out your cousins soundcloud profile

Let's keep the vibes flowing within our community. That means no spammy links or external websites, okay? We're all here to explore and connect with each other, not to be directed elsewhere.

Old: Solicitation

New: Solicitation

Let's keep the solicitation to a minimum, shall we? It's okay to invite your matches to something that you're doing, like a fun night out or a cool event, but please don't use Fluid to conduct research, promote your business, non-profit, or political campaign.

We're all here to explore and connect with each other on a deeper level, not to be bombarded with advertisements and solicitations. Let's focus on building genuine connections based on our shared interests and passions.

Old: Prostitution

We're all about exploring and celebrating our sexuality, but let's make sure we do it in a consensual and respectful way, okay? That means absolutely no promoting or advocating for commercial sexual services, human trafficking, or any other non-consensual sexual acts.

We want to create a safe and inclusive space for everyone on "Fluid," and that means zero tolerance for any kind of sexual exploitation or abuse. If we catch you engaging in these activities, we'll have to say goodbye to your account.

Old: Scamming


We have a zero-tolerance policy for any predatory behavior, including attempts to get other users' private information for fraudulent or illegal activities.

We want to create a safe and inclusive space for everyone on "Fluid," and that means taking serious action against anyone who tries to harm or exploit others. We want you to feel safe and secure as you explore your sexual fluidity and connect with others.

And a quick note: please don't share your financial account information, like your PayPal or Venmo, in your profile or in your conversations with other users. We're all about fluidity, but not when it comes to money! Let's keep it honest and respectful, and avoid any shady or illegal activity.

Old: Impersonation

New: No Catfishing

We want to remind you to always be yourself on our platform. It's not cool to pretend to be someone else, no matter how tempting it may be to create a parody account of your favorite celebrity or political figure.

We're all about authentic self-expression and sexual fluidity, and that means being honest about who you are and what you're looking for. We won't tolerate any attempts to misrepresent yourself or your affiliations with others.

Old: Minors

New: 18+

Just a friendly reminder that you must be 18 years of age or older to join us on this wild ride. We don't allow any images of unaccompanied minors. 

If you want to post photos of your kids, that's totally cool - just make sure you're in the photo with them. We want to keep Fluid a safe space for all, and that means being mindful of the content we share.

And if you come across a profile that includes an unaccompanied minor, encourages harm to a minor, or depicts a minor in a sexual or suggestive way, please report it ASAP. We have zero tolerance for any behaviour that harms minors, and we take these reports seriously. 

Old: Copywriting

New: “Can I copy your homework?”

Please make sure that any content you post is yours to share. Do not post any work that is copyrighted or trademarked by others, unless you have the necessary permission or legal right to do so. In other words, don't steal other people's stuff and try to pass it off as your own. Not cool.

Old: Illegal Usage

New: “Whoop whoop its da sound of da police”

Let's make this crystal clear: using Fluid to engage in any illegal activities is strictly prohibited. This includes but is not limited to activities such as drug use, solicitation of prostitution, and other criminal activities. Just because you're behind a screen doesn't mean you're above the law. Keep it legal, folks.

Our Guidelines

Old: Nudity

New: Keep the clothes on

We don't want you to start speaking in iambic pentameter but let's keep things appropriate for the public eye (Are you ok with your mother reading your messages?!). Please refrain from showcasing any nudity and/or sexual explicitness in your profile

Remember, we're all about "Fluid" here, but not that kind of fluid.

Old: Harassment

New: No Bullying

Let's all be kind and respectful "Fluid" beings here. Please do not partake or encourage any targeted abuse or harassment against fellow users. We take reports of stalking, threats, bullying, or intimidation very seriously. So, let's keep things "fluid" but also safe and respectful.

Old: Violence

New: Fists Down

Let's keep things "Fluid" but not too fluid, okay? We have a zero-tolerance policy for any violent, gory, or bloody content, as well as any content that advocates for or threatens violence of any sort, including terrorism. So, let's keep those fists down and those swords in their scabbards.

Physical assault, coercion, and any other forms of violence are strictly prohibited on Fluid. We're all about exploring our "Fluid" selves, not harming others in the process.

We also don't allow any content that promotes or glorifies suicide or self-harm. Let's take care of ourselves and each other as we navigate this "Fluid" journey together. Remember, we're all here to learn, grow, and connect with each other, not to hurt one another.

Old: Hate Speech

New: Acceptance

We believe that being "Fluid" means accepting and respecting each other's differences, no matter how wacky or wild they may be. That's why we don't allow any content that promotes, advocates for, or condones hatred, bigotry, racism, or violence against individuals or groups based on factors like (but not limited to) race, ethnicity, religious affiliation, disability, gender, age, national origin, sexual orientation, or gender identity.

Let's all be "Fluid" and embrace our inner weirdness. Remember, we're all in this crazy ride together, so let's show each other some love and acceptance. No hate, no discrimination, no exceptions. Let's be "Fluid" in our diversity and celebrate each other's uniqueness. Let's make this "Fluid" community a safe and welcoming space for everyone!

Old: Private Information

New: Some Secrets are a green flag

We all have secrets and private information that we want to keep safe, right? So, let's be mindful and keep it that way. Please don't publicly broadcast any private information, whether it's yours or someone else's. This includes social security numbers, passports, passwords, financial info, or unlisted contact information like phone numbers, email addresses, or home/work addresses.

Let's keep it "Fluid" and respectful of each other's privacy. We don't need to know every little detail about everyone's life, do we? Let's focus on building meaningful connections based on our shared interests and passions. That's what being "Fluid" is all about - exploring and connecting with different people and ideas in a safe and respectful way. So, let's keep it "Fluid," folks!

Old: Spam

New: No, I dont want to check out your cousins soundcloud profile

Let's keep the vibes flowing within our community. That means no spammy links or external websites, okay? We're all here to explore and connect with each other, not to be directed elsewhere.

Old: Solicitation

New: Solicitation

Let's keep the solicitation to a minimum, shall we? It's okay to invite your matches to something that you're doing, like a fun night out or a cool event, but please don't use Fluid to conduct research, promote your business, non-profit, or political campaign.

We're all here to explore and connect with each other on a deeper level, not to be bombarded with advertisements and solicitations. Let's focus on building genuine connections based on our shared interests and passions.

Old: Prostitution

We're all about exploring and celebrating our sexuality, but let's make sure we do it in a consensual and respectful way, okay? That means absolutely no promoting or advocating for commercial sexual services, human trafficking, or any other non-consensual sexual acts.

We want to create a safe and inclusive space for everyone on "Fluid," and that means zero tolerance for any kind of sexual exploitation or abuse. If we catch you engaging in these activities, we'll have to say goodbye to your account.

Old: Scamming


We have a zero-tolerance policy for any predatory behavior, including attempts to get other users' private information for fraudulent or illegal activities.

We want to create a safe and inclusive space for everyone on "Fluid," and that means taking serious action against anyone who tries to harm or exploit others. We want you to feel safe and secure as you explore your sexual fluidity and connect with others.

And a quick note: please don't share your financial account information, like your PayPal or Venmo, in your profile or in your conversations with other users. We're all about fluidity, but not when it comes to money! Let's keep it honest and respectful, and avoid any shady or illegal activity.

Old: Impersonation

New: No Catfishing

We want to remind you to always be yourself on our platform. It's not cool to pretend to be someone else, no matter how tempting it may be to create a parody account of your favorite celebrity or political figure.

We're all about authentic self-expression and sexual fluidity, and that means being honest about who you are and what you're looking for. We won't tolerate any attempts to misrepresent yourself or your affiliations with others.

Old: Minors

New: 18+

Just a friendly reminder that you must be 18 years of age or older to join us on this wild ride. We don't allow any images of unaccompanied minors. 

If you want to post photos of your kids, that's totally cool - just make sure you're in the photo with them. We want to keep Fluid a safe space for all, and that means being mindful of the content we share.

And if you come across a profile that includes an unaccompanied minor, encourages harm to a minor, or depicts a minor in a sexual or suggestive way, please report it ASAP. We have zero tolerance for any behaviour that harms minors, and we take these reports seriously. 

Old: Copywriting

New: “Can I copy your homework?”

Please make sure that any content you post is yours to share. Do not post any work that is copyrighted or trademarked by others, unless you have the necessary permission or legal right to do so. In other words, don't steal other people's stuff and try to pass it off as your own. Not cool.

Old: Illegal Usage

New: “Whoop whoop its da sound of da police”

Let's make this crystal clear: using Fluid to engage in any illegal activities is strictly prohibited. This includes but is not limited to activities such as drug use, solicitation of prostitution, and other criminal activities. Just because you're behind a screen doesn't mean you're above the law. Keep it legal, folks.

Fluid Dating Inc.